Working on module 2 has me continuously thinking and wondering. Still indecisive about my research topic I have been throwing myself into reading different articles, and I have to admit that I believe I have been living in my own bubble for some time. With my blinkers on, I have had a strong opinion of what I consider dance is and how it should be taught. I’ve always thought about myself being open-minded and embracing change, but I see this may not be the case. In today’s world where dancers have to be adaptable and versatile, I wonder why I haven’t adapted (or have I and don’t acknowledge it?) Is it time for change on a higher level (what harm would it do to try?).
Speaking to my advisor last time, I aired my concerns that my topic may have some consequences which could affect me. I am, of course jumping to conclusions as I don’t know the outcome. So I’ve been questioning what “truth” is. My perception of truth is connected with my world, my reality and what I believe to be “right” or “wrong.” But my world has changed dramatically over the past years, yet I’m still living and working in my “truths” of yesteryear. Working deeper for this module I am trying to expand my horizons and question “what do I actually know, and am I certain of it?” If not, is it such a crisis? Knowledge is ongoing, never ceasing to stop, this I have to keep in mind.