Wednesday, 21 March 2018

What was my aim?

The past week I met an ex-pupil, overjoyed to see her, we exchanged hugs and started a conversation. It’s over 12 years since I taught her, but the conversation flowed, and it was like we were back in the past. She started talking about her dance classes with me and finished the conversation with “I only danced for fun, but you knew that!”. Well, actually no I didn’t. I started thinking about (or over-analysing!) her words. Why did she presume I knew that? I couldn’t help but think have I approached students differently. I began wondering what have I aimed for in my teaching? I’ve never thought about that before. Is it to educate dance students to be professional dancers/teachers/choreographers or is it to provide them with a positive experience of dance and ensure the next generation of dance-lovers? I’m sure that when starting my career, I taught them thinking that they were all going to be professionals, silly really when I was teaching at a recreational school in the Artic Circle! The past years where I no longer enter pupils for exams seemed to change my attitude, allowing me to relax and give me more say in my teaching. It appears the shift took place here. I think I was probably being more realistic of how many pupils took dance classes for fun. Still, some pupils have continued into the profession. I hope that my pupils haven’t felt discrimination based on their reasons for dancing. I’ve always strived to be fair in my classes as the outcomes if not can be damaging. I do hope I’ve managed that.
