Sunday, 15 April 2018

Enjoying the Reading!

Finding literature for my Research Inquiry in Module Two, I wondered if I was going to have difficulty finding enough literature for my Critical Inquiry in Module Three. I struggled to find what I thought at that time, was appropriate reading. I searched through data bases, the library where I am employed, endless Dance Journals and yet, I couldn’t find anything about my particular topic.

This I remember, excited me and frightened me. I was excited to think that the topic had not be written about before (although I did ask why?), and frightened because what if I couldn’t find enough relevant material. I allocated a lot of time in Module Two to the literature list, convinced that my inquiry was going to follow a certain path. I felt a little flustered wondering if I had chosen a difficult topic to write about.

Completing Module Two I found myself immersed in reading, I was totally absorbed. The summer holiday was filled with gathering new exciting information that I had seemed to miss (over the years!). One interesting article led to another, and another and another. Yes, of course I got completely off my subject (or did I?). I felt the blinkers were slowly being removed and questions were being asked. I read articles that before, never would have interested me. Did I have an interest in them now because I’m older, wiser (!), or has this study revived something I’ve slowly been losing, namely passion?

Reading material which resonated with my beliefs and practice were interesting reads, but the material about teaching ballet (and dance in general), for today’s students really had me thinking. I began recapping the various courses I have attended over my teaching career, and it came as no surprise that they were based on my practice. Courses about a new syllabus, how to teach technique, and how to teach boys etc, were the norm. Courses that incorporated newer thoughts and ideas of the teaching of ballet or maybe of what is required today of a dance teacher, never made my list.

That discovery started the ball rolling so to speak, as I started feeling a bit more confident to try different approaches to my teaching in Module Three. More importantly I was not afraid to be unsuccessful or disappointed. I never imagined that reading would have such a strong impact as it did. Totally enjoyable!


  1. Do you think fear of "not being right" hindered your willingness to be unsuccessful or disappointed? I find that as I get further into this career I enjoy seeing, hearing, and learning the thoughts of others and realize I have to compare my thoughts, beliefs, and practices with these different approaches. Just because I may not use someone else's approach does not mean I might find it relevant. Have you found that the thins you are reading are reinforcing your practices or shedding light on new possibilities?

  2. Hi Davis, I think the combination of accepting that it's ok to realise you can make mistakes and learn at any stage in your career has made a big difference for me. Thd reading is exciting, new possibilities emerging that are indeed needed for my practice. Between the Skypes and Blogs I see that I'm not alone in fearing the unknown. Yes, the literature is planting ideas thst I never would have comtemplated before.

  3. Like you, I've found reading very interesting, and there's not a lot on my topic either. The research process is quite enjoyable--at least I find it so!
